Table of Contents

1 –  The Early Years  

  • The Early Years 
  • Oren Roberts Elementary School
  • My Ninth Grade Bully
  • Beachcomber Marks
  • My Lawnmower Experience
  • My Chemistry Lab Experience
  • High School Science Fair Project Nightmare
  • Inheritance from My Dad
  • Introvert Marks meet Billy Bammell, Jr.
  • Senior High School ROTC
  • Sadie Hawkins Dance
  • Billy and I go to College
  • High School Fraternity
  • No Car in High School
  • Summers with Grandma Rosie
  • Summers at Friday Mountain Boys’ Camp

2 – The Transformation of College 

  • The Transformation of College
  • The Great Scab Event
  • Reaching the End of my First Semester
  • Survived Freshman Year
  • Sophomore Year at Tulane
  • Almost Killed in Mexico
  • Junior Year of College
  • The Ghost
  • Grand Canyon Adventure
  • Other Tulane Adventures
  • Senior Year at Tulane
  • My Love of Insects
  • Senior Class President
  • Assistant to the Director of the Tulane Office of Cultural Activities

3 –  Law School, not Medical School 

  • Law School, Not Medical School
  • Pretending to be a Medical Student
  • A Car in College
  • Medical School Decision take me to Austin, Texas
  • State Capitol Building Tour Guide
  • A New Texas Senate Job
  • Playing Golf with Lt. Governor Preston Smith
  • Working in the Senate at Night
  • My Next visit with LBJ
  • My Wonderful Joy (Virginia Joyce Williams)
  • The Whitman Tower Episode
  • The Wedding and Honeymoon
  • Post Script on my Law School Experience

4 – The Vietnam War

  • The Vietnam War
  • Headed to Basic Training
  • Having a Baby
  • I Was Dying
  • Our First Apartment in Austin
  • Never Told Joy
  • Return to Keesler Air Force Base
  • After Active Duty
  • Meteorologist at KDFW-TV (Dallas)
  • Working for General Rose
  • Townhouse on Manor Road
  • Move to Willamette Drive
  • Wonderful Daughters
  • Grandson

5 – Early Career as a Legislative Support Agency

  • Early Career and Legislative Research
  • Executive Director Board of Examiners in the Fitting & Dispensing of Hear Aids
  • Executive Services Inc.
  • A Revolutionary Legislative Computing System
  • Executive Services Survives
  • Texas Parks & Wildlife Contract
  • Threat to me at Executive Services
  • Executive Services New Board
  • Life in Austin after Executive Services
  • Senator John Tower beats Waggoner Carr
  • Girl Scouting

6 – Lobbyist

  • Lobbyist
  • State Senator H.R. “Doc” Blanchard
  • State Senator Oscar Mauzy
  • Time with Daughters
  • Post Mobil Oil/Montgomery Wards – Managing Partnerships

7 – Educator

  • Educator
  • St. Edwards University and Leonard Nimoy
  • Brookhaven College and Greenhill 
  • The Winston School
  • Winston Science
  • High School Solar Car
  • A Solar Shed
  • 2003 SunRayce
  • Helping Students Discover
  • National Science Conventions

8 – The Solar Car Challenge

  • The Solar Car Challenge
  • Solar Car Challenge become a Foundation
  • Bumps & Bruises
  • 2018 Race to California
  • 2003 Race to Florida
  • 2001 Race to Columbus
  • Should I Leave the Solar Car Challenge

9 – The “Bad People”

  • The Bad People
  • Texas Senate Bad Guy
  • Executive Services Inc.
  • Secretary of State’s Office
  • The Winston School
  • 2010 Solar Car Challenge
  • Clearing Out my Classroom

10 – The “Good People”

  • The Good People
  • My Dog Babies
  • Some of my Best Friends Thumbnail
  • Best Friend Stories

11 – Music

  • The Music of My Life
  • Directing the New Orleans Symphony
  • Memory: Benefit or Curse?
  • Tulane A Capella Choir
  • Post College Music

12 – Australia

  • Australia
  • 1996
  • 1999
  • 2003

13 – What I have learned

  • What I have Learned about Life
  • Remembering My Parents
  • I’ve Learned So Much from people who passed through my Life
  • Final Words
  • My Advice to Students of the World
  • The Importance of Body Building in My Life